The NURIT 8000 is a PCI PED approved secure handheld solution and the best selling wireless payment device in the world. This lightweight device enables fast, secure, error-free transactions for merchants “on the go.”

The NURIT 8000 is an ultra-flexible wireless payment device used in a large variety of vertical market applications as a fast and efficient means of achieving increased and diverse revenue.

It features a large white backlit, touchscreen display with electronic signature capture and a wide range of options that enhance its value-added functionality.

Its sophisticated multi-application NURIT platform supports a range of payment and value-added services–including credit, debit, EBT, smart cards, prepaid, loyalty, gift and proprietary cards.

The NURIT 8000 also offers a choice of communication options for mobile markets everywhere, including WiFi and GSM/GPRS.

The Nurit 8000 Series terminals are capable of holding up to 9 Merchant Accounts, these accounts can have independent Credit, Debit, Check, EBT, Gift Card and other generic accounts. The accounts must be setup on the same processor. It is not possible, for example, to setup one account on Visanet, and setup another account on First Data.

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Updated: 08/18/2017